In Hanoi’s chilly winter, the alluvial plains along the Duong River are transformed into a fairyland, with vast yellow mustard flowers blooming in the morning mist.

Just 30 kilometers from downtown Hanoi, the yellow mustard fields of Le Chi Commune in Gia Lam District bloom into a sea of golden brilliance. Their romantic beauty captivates the hearts of all who pass by and leaves a lasting impression on every traveler.

Once grown merely as a vegetable for local consumption, mustard greens are now allowed to mature and bloom into their golden splendor.

These simple, unassuming flowers have been woven into poetry and songs about Hanoi, adding a soft, golden hue to the city’s winter charm.

In just two months, the young mustard plants burst into bloom. Another two months later, the vibrant flowers turn into seed pods, ready for harvest, and the cycle gracefully begins gracefully again.
Originally, the locals grew mustard greens solely for their seeds. However, as more visitors fell in love with the flowers and came to capture their beauty, the fields began to flourish, catering to the growing demand for tourism.
Tourists, undeterred by the distance, flock to capture the beauty of the yellow mustard fields.
The yellow mustard greens, scientifically known as Brassica napus.
The flower is native to the Mediterranean but is widely grown in the north of Vietnam, thanks to the cold winter climate.
The winter’s cool embrace provides the perfect conditions for this flower to flourish, painting landscape with its vibrant golden tones.
Not only do these flowers enhance the scenery, transforming the fields into natural masterpieces, but they also carry practical value.
Once the blossoms fade, the rapeseed is harvested for oil, while the stalks are later used as animal feed.
As winter settles over Hanoi, the yellow mustard fields take on a new, splendid coat, inviting nature lovers to wander through them.
The rapeseed flowers gently sway in the winter breeze.
Mustard season typically begins in late December and continues through January of the next year.
The yellow flower fields along the Duong River have become an ideal destination for photographers seeking to capture the fleeting beauty of Hanoi’s winter.

By Jenna Duong & Huy Pham